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  • Writer's pictureAngela Grasso, Acupuncturist and Herbalist

Autumn Energy - Stay Healthy through the Seasons

If you are like me, you are feeling the affects of the shorter days and cooler temperatures. As humans, we are microcosms of the greater natural world around us, so what is happening in nature is occurring within us. Therefore, we can look towards the seasons for hints on how to live more harmoniously throughout the year to foster better health and well-being.

Chinese Medicine has been in the know about this for a very long time! It ‘assigns’ different emotions, colors, sounds, elements, and internal organs for each of the seasons. Autumn is ruled by the Metal element. The related organs are the Lungs and the Large Intestine, the emotion is grief and its flip side, inspiration, the color is white, and the sound is weep.

Since turning towards nature helps us understand what is happening inside, let’s look at the trees; right now the energy in the leaves (chlorophyl) is decreasing or gone and the sap in the branches and trunk is traveling down into its roots – the tree is starting to preserve itself for the winter months ahead. This is our cue: All the outward activity of summer should begin to lessen, so we too safeguard our energetic reserves.

Go to bed earlier and stay in bed later when possible. Plan less activities outside the home, especially now before the holiday obligations set in. Try inviting friends over for tea or a toddy, light candles, put up colorful holiday lights. Eat more warm, nurturing foods and make your exercise more outdoor focused to take advantage of the light we do have.

If you pause long enough and pay attention to how you are feeling, you will likely notice your energy dropping inward. You may experience this as tiredness, or not as motivated to run out and party after work, maybe even wanting more quiet time for journaling or reflection. Congratulations! You are feeling the energy of Autumn and if you can go with it, rather than resist it, you will feel much better in the long run.


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