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  • Writer's pictureAngela Grasso, Acupuncturist and Herbalist

Happy New Year of the Dragon!*

In Chinese astrology, zodiacs are done by the year, rather than by the month. February 10, 2024 marks the beginning of the year of the Wood Dragon. People born in 2024, 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928 and so on, are Dragons, but the last time there was a Wood Dragon year was in 1964. So if you are turning 60 this year, you have come full circle!

What other kinds of Dragons are there? Metal, Water, Fire and Earth. Along with Wood, these are the five elements that are used, in part, as a basis in Chinese Medicine when assessing and diagnosing patients. Each person has one dominant element, their Constitutional Factor, that influences their existence and how they maneuver in the world.

Dragons hold a significant place as an auspicious and extraordinary creature, unparalleled in talent, strength and excellence. They are considered symbols of power, nobility, honor, luck, and success. Dragons are stable, reliable powerful, endlessly energetic and full of vitality, goal-oriented yet idealistic and romantic.

Dragon challenges can include: become domineering, temperamental, self-centered, and gullible. This last possibility seems difficult to understand until you realize Dragons believe themselves to always know best. Dragons can be prone to desperation, especially in their younger years because they hate being alone. They can be misunderstood as overbearing when they’re only showing that they care.

What about the year ahead? There may be some roadblocks, setbacks and less-than-ideal outcomes, but continue to give it your all and prosperity and good fortune may very well be yours. As always in life, stay steady, feel your inner strength and when you feel off balance, remember to head in for your seasonal tune-up!

Each acupuncture treatment you receive reminds your nervous system and your chi (energy) how to recalibrate. At the early stages of receiving treatments, we are reminding your system how to get back to balance. Once it balances and needs less nudging, your treatments can spread out and you can enjoy a better sense of well-being, receiving 'tune-ups' as needed depending on life circumstances. What a wonderful gift to be able to come in for a treatment and get re-aligned so that life's challenges can be faced with more wisdom and composure.

Ready for a free 30-minute consultation to see if acupuncture is for you, or to schedule your next seasonal tune-up? Reach out to Angela at

*Information provided in this blog post is for entertainment purposes only.

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