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  • Writer's pictureAngela Grasso, Acupuncturist and Herbalist

Springtime - Staying Healthy Through the Seasons

Updated: Nov 27, 2022

Winter was all about stillness and the deep yin energy (receptive, dark, quiet, nighttime, moon, downward flow, and mysterious). Now, every aspect of spring is telling us to get going! It teases and nudges us towards the most yang (active, light, day, sun, upward flow and obvious) time of year – summer.

It does this with movement and warmth. Recently while on a walk in the woods, I watched a snake work its way out of its hibernation hole. It was a long and gradual event. Coming out a little, sunning itself, gathering more energy to inch out further and further.

Nature is emerging from dormancy. Ever so slowly, imperceptibly even, sap travels further up tree trunks, eventually reaching the branches until tiny buds of green or even red appear. Seemingly suddenly, green fuzz and bright blossoms cover the landscape. The natural world is flowing and we should be too.

If we aren’t living harmoniously with the seasons, we might find ourselves more frustrated than usual. Spring equals movement. We need to move our bodies, and do things that move our mind and spirit. This helps assure our stored up reserves from winter don’t get stuck.

For the body more rigorous exercise routine is in order. Take advantage of the better weather and bring it outside: vigorous walks, bike rides, hikes, even yard work.

For the mind and spirit, look over the dreams and inspirations of winter and bring them into action. If you don’t know how to do that yet, get creative with something that you enjoy, or do something you have never done before. It is appropriate to socialize more, so get together with friends and brainstorm.

The Wood Element energy brings planning, direction and organization. Use the rainy, cool days to go through those stacks on your desk, clear out clutter. Get into ‘spring cleaning’ which will help you focus when opportunity arises.

The powerful surging energy of spring won’t last too long, so take advantage of it while you can! And, if things aren't moving along in your life as you would like, maybe it is time for help with Chinese Medicine. We'd love to help! Email us at:


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