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  • Writer's pictureAngela Grasso, Acupuncturist and Herbalist

What is acupuncture and how does it work? Answers to commonly asked questions.

Updated: Apr 3

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is one aspect of an ancient comprehensive medical system (Traditional Chinese Medicine-TCM) which, after thousands of years of practice, remains highly effective for modern ailments. Both chronic and acute conditions are helped. Acupuncture treats not only symptoms, but delves deeper to treat the underlying cause of dis-ease. This offers long-term relief without the harmful or unpleasant side affects so often seen with medications and surgeries.

How does acupuncture work? Acupuncture is based on the concept of chi (energy) that runs throughout the body. By inserting hair-thin needles into specific points on lines of energy (channels), the body becomes better able to resist disease and heal itself. These channels are like rivers flowing along the earth and should flow evenly, not raging and not trickling.

Acupuncture points help specific ailments related to each point, and they also help to restore an even flow of chi so that each channel runs more or less equally to all others. This balances the system, moving chi away from areas that are too ‘flooded’, and bringing it to areas that are experiencing an energetic ‘drought’, creating a more harmonious existence.

How long are acupuncture sessions? Typically, treatments last about forty five minutes to one hour. The initial visit includes a health history and evaluation, as well as a traditional Chinese diagnosis, and treatment. It lasts approximately one and a half hours.

What happens during a typical visit? Unlike most typical acupuncture treatments where the acupuncturist inserts needles and quickly leaves the room, Angela spends the entire first half of the session with you; reviewing your progress, reassessing your needs and then supporting you with adjunct treatments such as: massage, energy work, cupping, moxibustion, talking, and so on. Then for the second half, you are left to relax deeply while the acupuncture magic happens! You can rest knowing that you have Angela's full attention and care, and that you don't need to feel rushed. 

What kind of needles are used? Only sterile, single use, disposable needles are used in treatment. Acupuncture needles are about as thin as a human hair. Approximately 40 acupuncture needles can fit into the head of a hypodermic needle.

Will it hurt, or will I feel relaxed? Initially, there may be a slight twinge, similar to a mosquito bite, as the needle is inserted. Any discomfort typically subsides immediately. If pain were to continue, the needle would be removed right away. Many patients are surprised at how relaxed acupuncture makes them feel, any initial discomfort is quickly forgotten while the benefits continue.

Can Acupuncture help me? Acupuncture helps most people with most ailments! We can start to work with people before they are even born by treating their parents for fertility. Acupuncture can also assist those in their final stage of life, offering calm and comfort to their transition, and it can help during every phase of life in between.

How many treatments will I need? It is not uncommon for patients to feel some benefit after their first treatment. Initially, weekly treatments are recommended for 8-12 weeks. At that point, we reevaluate your condition, and often move to bi-weekly treatments. As health and vitality continue to improve, treatments will be every three weeks, and eventually once a month. Acute conditions may take less time, while chronic conditions may take longer or require more frequent visits. Ultimately, if a person is healthy and there are no major stress factors in their lives, they can come in on a seasonal basis for support and well being. Some people choose to make it a regular, ongoing part of their wellness regime.

Do I need to be sick to receive treatments? No. In fact, coming in when you are well is one of the best preventative treatments you can do for yourself. Why? For much the same reason we keep our cars tuned up. Our bodies, minds, and spirits will get tuned up so that they can run smoother and more efficiently, thus increasing your body’s innate ability to ward off unwanted thoughts, emotions and illness. Regular acupuncture treatments are a terrific option for those looking to maintain, or increase their level of health and wellness.

Does health insurance cover acupuncture? Acupuncture may be covered by health insurance, it depends on your individual policy. If you are unsure, call to check your benefits.

To schedule your FREE acupuncture consultation + mini-treatment, contact us at or call: 917-494-7339.

We look forward to applying this Ancient Medicine to your Modern Ailments!

You can feel better! Take charge of your health, naturally. Today.


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